Simulation Training

An Accredited Simulation Center by the ABCP

Using Califia®, our innovative approach to training enables us to immerse perfusionists and students in true-to-life clinical scenarios, providing an unparalleled educational experience. As an added benefit, IPC’s ABCP accreditation allows for 15 secondary activities toward recertification through our High-Fidelity Perfusion Simulation (HFPS) program.

Our Training

Explore Our Simulation Training Offerings

ABCP Accreditation

IPC's ABCP accreditation allows learners to earn up to 15 secondary activities towards their ABCP recertification.

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High-Fidelity Perfusion Simulation (HFPS)

Elevate your perfusion skills and knowledge through immersive, realistic clinical scenarios, engaging in interactive learning experiences followed by structured debriefing conversations to ensure a comprehensive understanding and application of perfusion principles.

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Advanced Learning

Access an extensive library of simulation scenarios to enhance your expertise and capabilities in perfusion.

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Continuing Education

Our programs offer opportunities for recertification and skill development, contributing to ongoing professional growth

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